Be Curious

Audre Lorde wrote, "It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.” Difference is part of what it means to be human. We are created in the image of the triune God who is understood in the mystery of “differentiated unity.” Christian theology has articulated the Three-in-one God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—as a unity in difference rather than a simple uniformity (see the Chalcedonian Creed). According to Daniel Migliore, "As triune, God abides in loving communion that affirms difference and makes room for the other” (Faith Seeking Understanding, p. 109). 

In our society, we tend to be nervous about and even afraid of differences. We try to classify, label, and diagnose every difference so that we can feel a sense of control. But the fact is, difference is not a problem to be solved, it is a beautiful source of new knowledge. Whether our differences are genetic, racial, ethnic, cultural, ability, or religious, together they form the tapestry of the beautiful creation that God made and called “very good” (Genesis 1). 

As the theologian, Ted Lasso once said (misquoting Walt Witman), “be curious, not judgemental.” As it turns out, curiosity toward other cultures is a theological imperative. If we understand the mystery of the triune God, we will become humble in the face of difference. We will, as God does, make room for the other. We will see difference as a gift and we’ll be curious, not judgemental.