Progressive Youth Ministry

I'm pretty excited to attend the Progressive Youth Ministry Conference in Chicago in just a few days. Of course it's not usually wise to go traveling this much when you're in the heat of the semester, but I think this one's worth it. Most youth ministry conferences and training events cater to a more conservative constituency. It's at least true that you're not normally going to have discussions concerning process theology, queer theology, or transgenderism in the church... well here, they're gonna talk about all that and more. But don't worry... It looks like there's a good mix of theological reflection and real practical youth ministry training.

By their own confession:
It can be difficult for a youth worker who identifies as “progressive” or “liberal” to find a tribe. Most events, conferences, camps, and curricula cater to evangelicals. But as progressive theology gains more of a foothold in the church, we need a place to gather as well — a tribe to meet with, and new ideas to stoke our imaginations. For that reason, The Jopa Group and Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago are inaugurating the Progressive Youth Ministry Conference. [read more]
This is gonna be fun. If you're in the Chicago area, you might wanna check it out.
Progressive Youth Ministry
