Sara Miles On Ordinary Saints
Our ex-interim pastor, Steve Swope (who is now the Pastor of Columbia United Church of Christ in Missouri), once quoted something from Christian Century Magazine before opening in prayer for a Church Council meeting. The quote was actually also a quote...
I've often said, "when you're a Christian, you're already in ministry... but who are you doing a good job?"All people who follow Jesus are invited to become members of communities of love and justice. When we respond to that invitation incarnationally, when we embody the love of God, we truly make the invisible reality of God's Kingdom visible in the world... and we don't have to be priests or pastors to do that.
"The challenge for the church, says Sara Miles, author of Jesus Freak, is to become a permeable body so that all kinds of people are coming in and going out. 'Church is actually a place for people to experience we, says Miles. She says she needed 'to be knocked around in the great tumbler of the church with people I didn't choose--because left to my own devices I'm gonna choose people like me.' One of the remarkable things about the church is that it serves a mean--communion--that you can't buy, ear or deserve. It is just given away." (Century Marks, March 23, 2010)Since then, Sara Miles has been on my reading list. I've been waiting to read her book, but when I watched this video interview with her on TheOoze.TV with Spencer Burke, her book climbed that reading list. I plan on purchasing and reading the book very soon.
I've often said, "when you're a Christian, you're already in ministry... but who are you doing a good job?"All people who follow Jesus are invited to become members of communities of love and justice. When we respond to that invitation incarnationally, when we embody the love of God, we truly make the invisible reality of God's Kingdom visible in the world... and we don't have to be priests or pastors to do that.