Rooting Against Hell

It may be true that some people are subject to eternal suffering but that doesn't change the fact that we have a God who will never stop being obsessed and in love with those very people. We have a God who doesn't want any people to experience suffering, indeed we have a God who suffers with his people. Having a God like that makes Hell quite difficult to understand. Yet some people put Hell right smack in the center of their theology as if they're rooting for Hell, as if they actually would be disappointed to someday discover that no one at all went there to stay.
What's essential to my theology, and what I hope will always be a truth by which I live, is that God is rooting against Hell. Wherever suffering exists, God will not cease to seek reconciliation. Indeed, though Hell may exist, it is not real... for the only true reality is God's reality--the here and yet coming Kingdom of God.
Because our God is who He is, we will always have room to hope that all might be saved, that all death may be defeated, and that all suffering will end. We have the freedom, in Christ, to hope that the whole of reality will be totally redeemed as it truly is through Christ the Lord!
I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your take on things - what really drew me in first was your reading list - Rob Bell, Shane Claiborne, Dallas Willard - I knew you were my kind of guy. Since reading your blog, I'm convinced that your a brother from another mother!!!
Anyway, just wanted to encourage you and let you know that people are reading what you're writing - even if they're not commenting (I'll work at doing that every now and then).
Hope married life is treating you well!!!
Cheers, Simon.
Thanks for the comment and thanks for the encouragement. In moments of insecurity I sometimes wonder if anybody reads at all. Thanks for letting me know you're out there.
I stumbled on your blog when I was looking for an image of hell and clicking on the picture you used brought me to your post.
Good post. I agree with you that hell really should be a tangential issue -- I'm primarily posting on it because it seems to be such a stumbling block to so many and causes so much division.
Glad I stumbled onto your blog. Blessings.....