There is just too much suffering in the world for us to live and even to celebrate as though it doesn't exist. There is too much division in the Church for us to sing and pray and worship as though it's not a problem. Somehow our celebration must be tied into eschatological hope and imagination. Our celebration must itself embody the kind of world which Christ came and died to bring. Our worship and our prayer must have, close to its' heart, a call for unity and a sense of repentance for our divisiveness and selfish intentions. Let our celebration be good news to the poor and let us never grow cynical enough to give up on the great dream of "One, Holy, catholic (universal), and apostolic Church" where we walk together even in disagreement but always toward God's imagination for the world.
This Advent season, do not get caught up in the frenzy of consumerism which embodies a world of selfishness and consumption where people become machines for the system. Instead, get caught up in God's invitation to behold the new born King, born to bring a new kind of world into this world, to upset the powers and systems that be, and to show us who God is. Embody, in your celebration and worship, the Kingdom of God.