Stanley Hauerwas is Coming to APU
I just found out that Azusa Pacific University is hosting Stanley Hauerwas, one of the most insightful, influential, and brilliant theologians of our day on November 2. He'll be doing two lectures, one called "Pentecost: Learning the Languages of Peace" and another called "America’s God," two enticing topics. Check out the event webpage at and read more on this event. I imagine that Stanley will be draw a crowd so you should think about registering ahead of time.
Stanley Hauerwas has sought to recover the significance of the virtues for understanding the nature of the Christian life. This search has led him to emphasize the importance of the church, as well as narrative for understanding Christian existence. His work cuts across disciplinary lines as he is in conversation with systematic theology, philosophical theology and ethics, political theory, as well as the philosophy of social science and medical ethics. He was named “America’s Best Theologian” by TIME in 2001. Hauerwas, who holds a joint appointment in Duke Law School, delivered the prestigious Gifford Lectureship at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland in 2001.