40 Ways to Celebrate Interdependence Day on July 4

As July 4th approaches, we should all check out this great article by Shane Claiborne: "40 Ways to Celebrate Interdependence Day on July 4"

"It’s wild how easily we get sidetracked from Holy days by holidays, and how quickly we can smother our central identity in Christ with other identities such as our national identity...above all, we want to remember that our deepest allegiance and identity run deeper than nation. And that may take some creativity to remember with all the fireworks popping and national anthems playing [on July 4th]..."
"...our heroes are not war heroes, but heroes of the Cross, folks who have died as Jesus did, loving their enemies. We want to remember that our Bible does not say 'God so loved America,' but that 'God so loved the world.'..." Read the whole thing.
