What makes you angry?
Manny of us have the notion that anger is a bad thing.
I just finished listening to one study by Rob Bell Called “beautifully angry.” It’s a great study I recommend you listen to. http://www.mhbcmi.org/listen/index.php
A question we often ask when we’re trying to figure out what on earth we’re here for is “what do we love.” “What can I see myself doing forever?” This is definitely a good question. Living in the kingdom is based around this concept, the heaven in the here and now kind of life. But another question we should be asking is “what makes me angry?” I don’t mean the petty insignificant kind of anger but the kind that potentially leads to healing.
Rob Bell gave a lot of statistics I’d like to share:
-2.6 Billion (this is 40% of the worlds population) do not have proper sanitation.
-1 billion people use unsafe drinking water sources.
-114 million people do not get basic education.
-584 million women around the world are illiterate
-800 million people go to bed hungry each night (300 million are children)
-There are 2.2 billion children in the world 1 billion of them live in extreme poverty.
-5 million in Sudan have no access to health care or a school.
-Every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hunger a majority being children under 5
-A woman in North America has a 1 in 3,700 chance of dying in child birth in south Africa it’s 1 in 16.
-There are more slaves alive now than in any other time in History, 27 million.
Do these things make you angry?
So many times we get furious about things that don’t really matter. We fight about the dumbest things; Sports, politics, religion, etc. We get angry about the dumbest stuff; a bad waitress, a slow stop light.
Anger is in essence a very good thing. Jesus got angry (mark 3) and it lead to healing. Do any of those stats listed make you angry?
Rob Bell described anger as a “nuclear force.” What if the nuclear power of our anger could be channeled? What if the church started to get it? What if the Church started fighting less about biblical trivia and more against the oppression and pain in this world, more against the statistics that were just listed?
The great voices in the Church are so focused on defeating “the giants keeping people in spiritual darkness” and say nothing about the physical darkness. Is there a difference? Maybe the darkness of the world that Bible says our battle is against (Ephesians 6:12) is the slavery, the poverty, the hunger.
God is redeeming everything! Are you angry about the same stuff He is?
I just finished listening to one study by Rob Bell Called “beautifully angry.” It’s a great study I recommend you listen to. http://www.mhbcmi.org/listen/index.php
A question we often ask when we’re trying to figure out what on earth we’re here for is “what do we love.” “What can I see myself doing forever?” This is definitely a good question. Living in the kingdom is based around this concept, the heaven in the here and now kind of life. But another question we should be asking is “what makes me angry?” I don’t mean the petty insignificant kind of anger but the kind that potentially leads to healing.
Rob Bell gave a lot of statistics I’d like to share:
-2.6 Billion (this is 40% of the worlds population) do not have proper sanitation.
-1 billion people use unsafe drinking water sources.
-114 million people do not get basic education.
-584 million women around the world are illiterate
-800 million people go to bed hungry each night (300 million are children)
-There are 2.2 billion children in the world 1 billion of them live in extreme poverty.
-5 million in Sudan have no access to health care or a school.
-Every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hunger a majority being children under 5
-A woman in North America has a 1 in 3,700 chance of dying in child birth in south Africa it’s 1 in 16.
-There are more slaves alive now than in any other time in History, 27 million.
Do these things make you angry?
So many times we get furious about things that don’t really matter. We fight about the dumbest things; Sports, politics, religion, etc. We get angry about the dumbest stuff; a bad waitress, a slow stop light.
Anger is in essence a very good thing. Jesus got angry (mark 3) and it lead to healing. Do any of those stats listed make you angry?
Rob Bell described anger as a “nuclear force.” What if the nuclear power of our anger could be channeled? What if the church started to get it? What if the Church started fighting less about biblical trivia and more against the oppression and pain in this world, more against the statistics that were just listed?
The great voices in the Church are so focused on defeating “the giants keeping people in spiritual darkness” and say nothing about the physical darkness. Is there a difference? Maybe the darkness of the world that Bible says our battle is against (Ephesians 6:12) is the slavery, the poverty, the hunger.
God is redeeming everything! Are you angry about the same stuff He is?
just a few thoughts-
I want to respond to your comment "Jesus said there will always be poor amoung us."
the verse you are refering to (John 12:8) Is a reference to a commonly quoted verse of the time contemporary to Jesus. "There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land." Deuteronomy 15:11. Jesus message in this verse is not that they'll always be here so give up. In quoting Deuteronomy's verse, the second part of the verse would have been just as familiar. This is a command to be "openhanded" and free the slaves (Deuteronomy 15:12).
Scripture also gives prophesies of a land without slavery, a land without poverty or worry (Isaiah 54). I have to read up some more about what Jesus meant in quoting Deuteronomy.
For now I trust that Jesus commanding us to meet peoples' needs was not an impossible command. even if it is an impossible command and the poor will always be here I am still angry about the poverty in the world. Should I be angry at God?