Fourth of July Weekend

Idolatry is when we value and fight for something we never needed to begin with. On Independence Day Americans celebrate idolatry, when American soldiers fought and died for something Christ has offered from the very start--freedom. The church continuously misses its' opportunity to point this out.
It all comes back to identity. Are you a Christian who happens to live in America or are you an American who happens to be a Christian? Because if you're a Christian first, you will understand that what America does and even has to do is not what Christ does or would do. You would understand that America's kingdom is not God's kingdom. But if you are an American first then you'll be limited to understanding God's mission in the world in America's terms and by America's restrictions, i.e. war, borders, capitol gain, and foreign relations. Your imagination which should be enraptured by Christ and his kingdom, will be held captive by the world and it's kingdoms.
Do not marry the Church and America to one another. There is no "Christian Nation" and no earthly kingdom which proclaims the gospel of Jesus. This weekend, don't confuse America's definitions for freedom, victory, liberty, and revolution for Christ's definitions.
Go ahead and celebrate this weekend. Enjoy your friends and your family. Humbly celebrate the comfort and wealth we too often take for granted in America. But don't get the gospel of Jesus confused with patriotism. Celebrate tomorrow as "Interdependence Day", a day to remember the love and the need we have for the people around us.
Grace and peace
Thank you. That means a lot coming from someone from outside the U.S.
I answered him, "If you can afford them, bring them on, because we need them."
That was very helpful to my friend, because it was then that he realized that I wasn't trying to spread American culture; I only wanted to share Jesus.
Great stuff. That's awesome that you talked about dependence and interdependence at church. Very encouraging!