Leaving for AZ

Today my family, Amanda, and I are all going to Arizona to visit some family who live out there and to watch the Padres in Spring Training. We get to see two games--one against the Texas Rangers and one against the Cleveland Indians. I miss football but baseball's a sweet substitute.
I am greatly looking forward to a rest (my sabbath keeping has been my biggest challenge lately and it's really messing me up). I plan on finishing No Salvation Outside the Poor by Jon Sobrino and Being Consumed by William Cavanaugh... I've started both of them but have just been so busy. I am also bringing along a prayer book I just picked up; Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth: Prayers of Walter Brueggemann.
I'll try to write a couple of posts over the weekend but I don't know what my internet situation will be, so no promises.