One more Californian excited about the snow...
I'm from California, so stuff like this is exciting to me...
Last night I sat down to write a log entry for my class on Paul Tillich (with Dr. Mark Taylor - it's freaking awesome!). When I started writing it was dark and wet outside... after I finished writing (maybe an hour later), I opened the blinds to a beautiful, bright, snowy landscape. I didn't know that snow could pile up so fast!
Amanda and I decided to light some candles, turn off our lights, and just watch the snow as it fell in the illumination of the street lamps. It was pretty magical.
When I got up this morning, it was even more beautiful! I stepped outside just to take it in and enjoy the quiet beauty and simplicity of the snow. A few hundred yards away, in the next courtyard, I could hear kids playing and laughing.... we just don't have mornings like this back in Ramona.
Snow provides fodder for so many metaphors... purity, renewal, freshness, hope in the midst of chaos (and for those who've had to deal with it a few more times than they'd like, perhaps it signals a deceptive beauty which ends in stress and struggle)... but it feels wrong today to try to slap too much interpretive symbolism on it. Today, I'm inclined to simply accept it as beautiful, to embrace its simplicity and allow it to take me where it will as I just sit and stare at it...
Once again, I'm from California so stuff like this is exciting to me.
(A couple of these photos are courtesy of my friend Justin Forbes)
Last night I sat down to write a log entry for my class on Paul Tillich (with Dr. Mark Taylor - it's freaking awesome!). When I started writing it was dark and wet outside... after I finished writing (maybe an hour later), I opened the blinds to a beautiful, bright, snowy landscape. I didn't know that snow could pile up so fast!
Amanda and I decided to light some candles, turn off our lights, and just watch the snow as it fell in the illumination of the street lamps. It was pretty magical.
When I got up this morning, it was even more beautiful! I stepped outside just to take it in and enjoy the quiet beauty and simplicity of the snow. A few hundred yards away, in the next courtyard, I could hear kids playing and laughing.... we just don't have mornings like this back in Ramona.

(A couple of these photos are courtesy of my friend Justin Forbes)