Your World

Lord of all creation, you are the king of the new heaven and new earth. Your kingdom has come, your kingdom is coming... a world where power and coercion are distant memories; and poverty and oppression are unknown. Your world transforms tools for destruction into tools for healing. Your world is a world where music and beauty have replaced rhetoric and propaganda. Tears are replaced by laughter. The stomachs of the hungry are filled and the wounds of the afflicted are healed.

Thank you, God, that in your love for us, you refuse for your world to be anywhere other than in our world, to be anything other than the very place we call home. Your world is for the healing of this world for this is your world. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Even now, your world is invading and penetrating our world. In Christ, your world has already come. Your future has crashed into our present.

Let us live today according to the law and truth of your world which has already been initiated and which has already penetrated the world of history through the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. With our hearts in your world, we live in this one. May our hands participate with the conviction of our hearts. Amen.
