Prayer From Mother Teresa

This week, to open our staff meeting, we prayed this prayer together:
O God, We believe that You are here. We adore and love You with our whole heart and soul because You are most worthy of all our love. We desire to love You as the Blessed do in Heaven. We adore all the designs of Your divine providence resigning ourselves entirely to Your Will. We also love our neighbor for Your sake as we love ourselves. We sincerely forgive all who have injured us, and ask pardon of all whom we have injured.
Dear Jesus, help us to spread Your fragrance everywhere we go. Flood our souls with Your spirit and life. Penetrate and possess our whole being, so utterly, that our lives may only be a radiance of Yours. Shine through us, and be so in us, that every soul we come in contact with may feel Your presence in our soul. Let them look up and see no longer us, but only Jesus!
Stay with us, and then we shall begin to shine as You shine; so to shine as a light to others. The light O Jesus will be all from You, none of it will be ours; it will be You, shining on others through us. Let us thus praise You in the way You love best by shining on those around us.
Let us preach You without preaching, not by words but by our example, by the catching force, the sympathetic influence of what we do, the evident fullness of the love our hearts bear to You.
From Mother Teresa, A Simple Path
