Pray for Our Church III

For everyone who's been praying for our church as we continue our broken journey toward getting a new pastor, I thought I should update you. After we hired and then lost our settled pastor before he even made it out for his first day, we hired a new interim (our second interim pastor). Rev. Steve Swope, our new interim pastor, has already proven to be an incredible blessing to our church family. His leadership and his powerful messages have not only challenged and blessed but may actually be pushing our church toward real movement. Of course he's only been here for two weeks but it's not too early to say it's good to have him.

The transitions that must take place in the near future will still, no doubt, be difficult but God has continuously showed us that he has something exciting in store for our church family and for our mission (the mission that has us) in the world.

Please continue to pray for us as we look forward to new direction and new pastoral leadership.
