Solitude Breeds Community

"In a world that victimizes us by its compulsions, we are called to solitude where we can struggle with our anger and greed and let our new self be born in the loving encounter with Jesus Christ. It is in this solitude that we become compassionate people, deeply aware of our solidarity in brokenness with all of humanity and ready to reach out to anyone in need." _Henri Nouwen (The Way of the Heart, page 31)
Real community, the kind that tears down barriers and divisions and is open to all people without condition, can only come from a solitude which combats prejudice, hate, greed, anger, addiction, materialism, and violence. Only when we are comfortable in our own skin and able to be alone with ourselves without protective distraction can we be transformed and thus be remade into the people we were created to be--living and alive in the image and the reality of the triune divine community.
