Bible Study Ideas?

I'm looking for some Ideas for our church's Young Adult group's next study as we finish Adventures in Missing the Point by Brian McLaren and Tony Campolo. Looking back on the past couple of months I can say that this book has been a good choice, openning up for some great conversations. I'm looking for a book (with some pretty short chapters) that might do the same good for us.

Here are some of the ideas I am looking in to:

Fuit of the Spirit from Bill Hybles small group series

Sticks and Stones: Using Your Words as a Positive Force by Ace Collins

I'm Fine with God...It's Christians I Can't Stand: Getting Past the Religious Garbage in the Search for Spiritual Truth by Bruce Bickle and Stan Jantz

Revolution by George Barna

Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers: Prayer for Ordinary Radicals by Shane Claiborne and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

Crazy Love by Francis Chan

What would your choice be? If anyone has any other suggestions I welcome them.


Mark said…
I don't know any of those except for Crazy Love. My vote is for the Divine Conspiracy. You know, a nice short and easy read.
wellis68 said…
right... short... easy... ok Mark.