
We, Protestants have been raised to believe something that is very true but at the same time very dangerous. We’ve been raised to believe that our salvation cannot be earned and that good works do not buy your way into heaven. This is true but we can end up being trapped by this belief. In light of this we have also been raised to think that we have to be sure of our salvation above all else. Getting into heaven has become the top priority to Christians which suggests a belief that God shares this concern. We have come to believe that above all else the most important thing for someone to know and be sure of is the answer to the famous question; “where are you going when you die?” The trap is that, with these priorities, we can easily emancipate ourselves from the obligation to work, to serve. If anything begins to suggest that you have to do anything besides believe or have faith in order to be a Christian we stress. If I say that a Christian should care about the poor I should be sure to throw in the disclaimer that they don’t need to but God would like it. But is that what it’s all about?
See, everything has become about pleasing God. What must we do to please God? Well, you’d answer, have faith. Yes, this is true, God wants us to have faith but are we afraid to travel beyond faith? I don’t think that God has the same priorities we do. I don’t think God is nearly as concerned with our salvation as we are. Just because someone only needs faith doesn’t mean they are not called to be doers of the word and not just hearers. God might be far more concerned with the poor and the oppressed than we are. We should be less concerned with what side of the heaven/hell line we stand on and more concerned with joining with God in the work of new creation. We should be more concerned with finishing the race that starting it. No we do not earn our salvation, God gives it freely. But He does invite us to share His mission. We are now free, free to serve. We are not bound by the law; rather, we are free in it. As we work for the good of all mankind, as we follow God’s instruction, follow His example of redeemed life, follow his laws, we begin to live more and more in tune with our already established salvation. I do not work that I may be saved. I work so that my life, my surroundings, the people around me will reflect what has already been given to me. So, don’t worry so much about how to be saved. Don’t work for your salvation because it will profit you nothing. Work because you share the same passion God does, the same priorities. Work because you have compassion for the people for whom Christ gave His life.
You have said some really good and daring stuff in this post. Amen to that.
Somehow we have pitted living good against being saved, which is a mistake. And we have elevated being saved above everything else, another mistake.
I have literally heard the singular sermon that says, "There is just one thing you need to have resolved tonight... One most important issue... So important, that if you do not have this settled, then absolutely nothing else in life matters... And that thing is -Where will you spend eternity? -Are you secure in your salvation? -Are you in right relationship with God?" The exact phrase changes, but the sentiment behind it is always the same. And I have heard some variation of this sermon come from basically every protestant tradition I know of.
It is ironic that this "most important" issue is not preached on by Jesus. Jesus first and most important sermon is the announcement that the Kingdom of God is at Hand -REPENT! Repent means DO SOMETHING - namely change directions in life. However, in recent generations we have sucked any notion of doing anything right out of the picture.
I think your post speaks beyond this point, but this is enough for me to comment on. I think you have said some really good things here. They need further exploration. I need to do further exploration, and I am glad you are leading the way.
Keep up the good work.
I will be doing more exploration... this post is just some first thoughts.
good thoughts. I think that's mostly what I'm getting at- the way we view works. I think we link them with our own salvation too much because we've been taught that that's what's important. Lets stop worrying about that and start worrying about the people who have needs that we can meet.
thanks for the helpful example. there is a big difference isn't there?
The question is:
What's my motivation?"
So as a director, we tell the actors why they are doing what they are doing in the scene. Some get it some don't. But those that do get it, use that knowledge to make what they do more believable. More real to the audience.
Before they know their motivation, they are just walking through the scene. There is no passion in the way they deliver their lines. But after they discover the motivation...
I think this is part of the way that I look at your post, Wes. I am motivated by Christ's love to do what I do. I don't do what I do to obtain Christ's love or approval. Because He first loved me! He loved me when I was unloveable! He died for me when I didn't deserve it.
So, I guess I just haven't gotten over all that He did for me at Calvary. What He did motivates me to be "missional" as Inheritor says. What He did for me motivates me to "Do Something" as Mike says.
Great post.