Networking and Incarnation
I recently wrote an article for the National Network of Youth Ministry blog. I wanted to direct you to it not only out of self promotion (and I hop not at all out of self promotion) but mostly just to turn you on to the NNYM. The article is about incarnation and networking and I hope it serves as good encouragement and theological support for the networking endeavor as complex as it sometimes can be.
I truly believe in what the NNYM does (even if I don't agree with every theological articulation on their Faith Statement). They're all about reaching teenagers through intentional partnerships among youth ministries and youth workers... and that's the part I'm all about! I figure, youth workers reach teenagers each in their own way and sometimes we're not necessarily gonna get to that part together if, for example, we've got differing understandings of what reaching teenagers means or requires. Sure, it should be our goal, but sometimes it's ok for us not to even get that far. I'm all about the connections among youth ministries and youth workers. Nothing gets me giddy like seeing youth ministries, teenagers, and youth workers from different church expressions and different theological backgrounds getting together or partnering together. I love to see bridges built within the Body of Christ to express a clearer image of the Church. And I love to see this rare breed, the Christian youth worker, pray for one another and support one another in ways that only youth workers can. It really is a demonstration, even if a snapshot, of incarnation.
Even if you're not a youth worker, I think you might find lots of implications for how we as the church can put the incarnation on display through networking. Do The Hard Work...
David Stanton