It's Easter Morning! The first day of the new week. The first fruits of resurrection have sprung forth in glory, the dead have risen for the grave cannot contain the God of all creation. The powers and the principalities have been defeated and Christ, the crucified, reigns from a wooden throne. We have been set to the start again of the mission of bearing God's image for which we were created. Where powers seek more power, where principalities coerce and oppress, and where death claims sovereignty we remind the world that God reigns and that suffering, oppression, and all systems of violence have done their worst and have come up short. Because God has met us in our lowest places, even on a cross, we stand with the oppressed and we speak out with those whose voices have been silenced, looking all the while toward resurrection and vindication.
The tomb of death has been opened to a garden of life. And all of creation is invited to celebrate!
...Rob Bell's take on resurrection is nothing short of inspiring...
I got two comments on my screen... The first one is about "...We can choose what to believe and let it mold our lives and actions."
Great thoughts! Thanks!
well... actually, now there's just the one. The first comment is gone. How strange.