What kind of future are we foretelling by our actions, by that in which we place our trust, and by the lifestyles we sustain? Your life can either predict a future in which the best we can hope for would be that all enemies be killed and every new enemy be exterminated or it can predict a future in which enemies are transformed into friends. Your life can predict a future in which the best we can do is "the American dream" or it can reflect hope in God's kingdom where invisible borders are rejected and disposed of. Your life can foretell a future which can only sustain the few or it can tell of a new kind of world where no more may go hungry and no more are faced with death because there's just not enough for them. We can either hoard or share, bless or curse, hope or give in to cynicism. The choice lies before us and we choose everyday without even knowing it.
Our lives are our path into the future. Where does your path lead? The Christian life should offer to the world a future of hope and peace. We should, by the way we live today, offer a picture of a tomorrow in which Christ is Lord and the hungry are fed.
Our lives are our path into the future. Where does your path lead? The Christian life should offer to the world a future of hope and peace. We should, by the way we live today, offer a picture of a tomorrow in which Christ is Lord and the hungry are fed.
I actually did see that movie in theaters and I thought it was humorously bad... but it was entertaining. The social commentary, on the other hand, was quite good but none too subtle. I look forward to the review.
Why did you hate it so much?
The Family Stone was the single worst movie I have ever seen. The acting was horrific, the writing was sub-par and the cast made me want to puke (especially that Sex and the City girl... geez). Other than that, it was plain boring. I have absolutely nothing positive to say about that movie. Never mention it in my presence.