
Chaos Posted by Hello

This is my last week of school. Yeah finals. In chapel the other day Francis Chan talked about being stressed out. There were a few things he said that really related to me. I had a lot of overlapping respondsebilities that day, which is basically how my whole life has been lately. Francis gave an analogy about when we have a problem. He held a piece of paper that said "PROBLEM" on it and he held it in front of his face. He explained that when we have a problem like a deadline to meet or a job that is time consuming etc. We look at it, we hold it in our face everywhere we go and keep looking at it throughout the day and sooner or later we become so consumed by it we stare. It becomes the only thing we see.

I have a problem. I have a deadline to meet, and I pray that I'll be able to trust. I want to trust God and realize the problem is tiny and it's nothing too hard for Him to handle.

Do you ever find yourself consumed by a problem, so stressed out that everyone who sees you in passing says "wow, he must have a problem." It says in Philippians 4:6 "do not worry about everything but in everything with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving give your requests to God."

May we be people who pray and not allow ourselves to take prayer for granted. May we be consumed with peace and not chaos.


Anonymous said…
I was trying to find that passage (Philippians 4:4-7) to share with a friend, but I couldn't remember where it was. A Google search led me to your blog. Just wanted to thank you and let you know that you never know when your work will be helpful to others!